What do I do if I have a concern or a complaint concerning my child?
If you have any concern, query or complaint we want to hear about so we can move quickly to investiagte and remedy the situation. Ngahinapouri Schools Concern an Complaints Procedure is
1. Any concern or complaint is treated as strictly confidential.
2. In the first instance concerns should be discussed with the other party e.g. teacher, principal or board member. If it is a classroom /teacher concern the teacher should first be approached, then principal and finally board.
3. All complaints, including any about the principal, should be referred directly to the principal either in verbal or written form.
4. All complaints are acknowledged and documented.
5. In dealing with complaints employers must act in accordance with conditions of relevant employment agreements and current legislation.
6. Appropriate action will be instigated to resolve the issues.
7. Unresolved complaints will be made in written form to the chairperson of the Board of Trustees.
8. Outside agencies will be asked for advice in any situation where the Board of Trustees is unsure how to resolve the issue.
9. The complainant is informed of the outcomes by the principal or chairperson of the Board of Trustees.
What sports does the school provide?
Hockey, netball, gymnastics, tennis and cricket are organised by school parents while the Ngahinapouri Soccer club organises the soccer.
Guitar, drums and Dance lessons are available after school.
Where should I park when I bring my child to school?
Please park in the community car park adjacent to the community hall. Please do not park in the bus bay.
Will someone contact me prior to my pre-schooler starting school?
Please click on the following link:
What is the first day of school protocol and how is this communicated?
Contact should be made with the school before the day of enrolment. If you are new to the district or to the school please make an appointment to see the principal. This will give us an opportunity to show you around school answer any questions, explain how we do things and discuss the enrolment procedure. If you are transferring from another school please bring any transfer forms or a copy of your child's last report.
On the first day please report to the office so enrolment can be completed. Please bring a copy of your child's birth certificate and a copy of your child's immunisation record. After the enrolment procedure is completed you will be escorted to your child's classroom.
How flexible is the bus route?
There is no flexibility with either bus route. The Ministry of Education decides on the route and has a clear set of procedures for administering buses.
What is the school bus route?
We have one bus that covers two bus routes.
First bus – leaves school at 7.55 am (3pm afternoons) and travels north along Kakaramea Road, then turns into Finlayson Road, it turns at the corner of Finlayson and Old School Road and returns via Finlasyson and Kakaramea Roads past the school to Rice Road and then returns to school back along Kakaramea Road.
Second bus – leaves school at 8.20am (3.30pm afternoon) and travels east along Ngahinapouri Road then turns left into Gillard Road. The bus turns around half way along Gillard Road and returns along Gillard Road then turns into Rukuhia Road, McGregor Road, and then returns to school along Ngahinapouri Road.
What programmes are put in place for children who are struggling?
Reading Recovery is funded jointly by the Ministry of Education and the Ngahinapouri School Board of Trustees. It is available for identified students after they turn six.
The Board also funds a part time teacher to work with both groups and individuals in Numeracy and Literacy.
Teacher Aides are also funded by the Board to implement the following programmes, School Readiness, Lexia, Learning Staircase, Targeted Maths and Targeted Writing.
How can parents help their children to succeed at school?
1. Let your child know that you think it is important that he/she does well at school.
2. Talk to your children about school.
3. Read to your child when they're young (and even when they are older)
4. Go to concerts and sports events.
5. Read your child's reports.
6. Go to parent teacher interviews.
These six simple steps can lead to improved attendance, improved student engagement, more positive relationships between parents and teachers, and increased student success overall
What is offered at Technicraft (Manual)?
Our Year 7 & 8 students go to Te Awamutu Intermediate each Thursday in terms one and two for technicraft.
How are children taught respect for themselves, others and property?
These values and beliefs are taught first at home by parents and families. At school we build on this through modelling by adults, older students, and our school culture and by having clearly defined expectations of acceptable behaviour.
Our Core Values are
Resilience - I keep trying
Resourcefulness - I know what to do
Respect - Treat others as I want to be treated
Responsibility - I do my share
Where do we put our energies as parents' to help our children to achieve?
- At home with your child spend time with them talking, listening sharing, asking questions, playing, make things, exploring together, reading with and to.
- At school, talk to your child's teacher share information, go on class trips and support school events e.g. cross country, Agricultural Day.
Your job is to be your child's advocate if your child is unhappy or if you have concerns contact their teacher as soon as possible.
How do you manage the behaviour of the older and younger children at school?
We have a school wide postive behaviour management system that is based on a Traffic light system.
- All students names are in the Green circle at the start of the day.
- First misbehaviour = verbal warning
- Second misbehaviour name moved into Orange. Orange = SLOW DOWN
- Third misbehaviour name moved into red and student is sent to the principal to make an appointment for discussion and consequence follow up activity. The student will then return to the class unless behaviour warrants Severe Clause. Red = STOP
- Once name has been moved into orange or red it can not be moved back.
How does the school report in relation to National Standards?
The National Standards require schools to report to parents of students in their first 3 years of schooling on their birthday and then six months later on their achievement in relation to the National Standards.
We have reviewed our reporting process to meet these requirements. Students who have a birthday or it has been six months since their last birthday will have a report and an interview. For students in the first 3 years of school this means a change from a half year report and end of year report. Parents of these children will have an interview at different times to the rest of the school. If you have any queries please contact the class teacher.