Ngahinapouri School - Strive to Improve - We are learning to be seekers, creators and users of knowledge

Leonie Denne

Thumbnail: Leonie Denne

Pohutukawa Teacher

General Information

Testimonies from the kids:
Mrs Denne is a very nice teacher. She does heaps of fun stuff and is really funny.*

Mrs Denne is a nice teacher She teaches us times tables. When I first came to room 4 i thought that times tables would be hard but they are easy and she teaches us fractions wich are easy!

In Ngahinapouri School in room 4 there is a teacher Not an ordernery techer Mrs Denne. Mrs Denne is funny.*

In term 3 we did fractions and it wasn’t as hard as I sort, we did art which was some fun. Mrs denne has not bited or scrached which is lucky. She likes to read in all her spear time.

In Room 4 the class in funny. We have 25 people.
We do art and crafts.
We watch fraction videos and do Sumdog.
We go out to Rosie for writing.
We LOVE Mrs Denne!

* It is under debate as to whether this is funny humourous or funny weird. Odds are on the later ☺